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Annie Mac reunited with stolen USB stick

By | Published on Monday 9 January 2023

Annie Mac

Annie Mac revealed last week that a USB stick that was stolen from her during a DJ set in December has been returned. A handwritten note delivered with the thumb drive blamed “a moment of drunken madness” for the incident.

The disk – on which Mac had stored thousands of tracks – was taken during one of the DJ’s Before Midnight club nights last month, prompting her to put out a public plea for its return, promising that there would be “no repercussions” for whoever had taken it.

In a new post last week, she revealed that the USB stick had now been returned, it having been sent to her management.

“This is my oldest USB stick”, she wrote. “I use it for DJing. It carries thousands of songs, over ten years of music. It was stolen before Christmas, plucked from the CDJ players I was DJing from, after my Before Midnight gig in London, when I was standing just a few feet away, chatting to attendees”.

“The music was backed up badly, over four laptops”, she added. “It would have been impossible to replace as it was, music filed gig by gig, set by set. More than the inconvenience caused by the theft, the whole thing felt so discordant with the spirit of the evening, which had felt so joyous up to that point”.

“We received an email just before Christmas”, she went on. That email, she added, admitted the USB stick theft had been “stupid – a drunken mistake”.

Now the drive is “in my manager’s office waiting for me to pick up. I’m so glad, and relieved that it wasn’t some calculated malevolent act. It was a drunken mistake and by god haven’t we all done those in our time. To whoever you are, thank you so much for sending it back. And to those yelling at the screen right now, yes I will back it up properly!”

The handwritten note accompanying the returned USB stick reads: “Really sorry for distress caused. We haven’t accessed it. It was a moment of drunken madness. So sorry”.

So, I guess, the moral of this story is always back up your files properly. And don’t steal. Possibly not in that order.