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BMG sync team to walk on sunshine (I hope they have good shoes)

By | Published on Friday 7 August 2015


BMG has acquired both the song and recording rights to that there ‘Walking On Sunshine’ by Katrina and her Waves, possibly assuming that every ‘summer songs’ playlist on every streaming service in the world will include that record, so just watch those Spotify and Apple Music royalties roll on in. No, not really, this is all about the sync.

The 1980s hit is already a favourite amongst the syncers, because it’s always summer somewhere, and BMG is hoping that its top sync licensing machine – and the fact all the rights in the song are in one place – will provide further opportunities for some of the finest sync-based money making.

Says BMG’s EVP Marketing & Sync Patrick Joest: “The striking thing about ‘Walking On Sunshine’ is its ability to work across virtually every medium from film to TV and advertising – and in virtually any product category. It is a song loved around the world, working across cultures and languages”.

‘Sunshine’ comes to BMG via an acquisition of the Kyboside catalogue, which includes most of the oeuvre of Katrina And The Waves founder member and principle songwriter Kimberley Rew, who is British of course, which is how the band could represent the UK in Eurovision in 1997 even though Katrina Leskanich herself is American. That Eurovision winning song, ‘Love Shine A Light’, is also part of this deal.