
Culture minister launches Young Creative Entrepreneur Awards

By | Published on Wednesday 29 July 2009

The government’s culture man Ben Bradshaw launched the UK Young Creative Entrepreneur Awards for 2009/10 earlier this week. These are awards for entrepreneurs who are both young and creative, or that’s what I’ve been told. Eight awards are given out, one in each of eight different creative disciplines, one of which is music. Launching the scheme for this year, Bradshaw said this: “The creative industries are one of the UK’s success stories and we are known worldwide for the strength of our creative talent. Therefore it’s only right that we celebrate our young creative entrepreneurs and give them an opportunity to gain further experience and knowledge at an international level. The creative industries are worth £57.3bn to our economy annually, and we need to do all we can to foster the emerging talent of the future to make sure this success continues to grow”.