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FatCat laps up Gentle Friendly

By | Published on Thursday 6 February 2014

Gentle Friendly

‘Hip British IDM label’ FatCat Records has signed London’s Gentle Friendly – aka Casio-and-beats-combo David Maurice and Richard Manber – to its artist listings, filing the band in the same pile as the likes of Max Richter, The Twilight Sad and US Girls.

Basically, it’s a great label, and what else is great is the free EP Gentle Friendly are giving away in celebration. It’s titled ‘Rrides’, and features six early GF tracks and the nearly-new ‘Autumn Nite’. Here it is:

Wishing fans a happy new year (better late than never, I guess), they say: “History is a circle so here’s seven songs of the past/future/present of Gentle Friendly. From the ones we finished this year for our new record to the ones that got lost along the way, these songs are where we are, were and will be as a band in 2014 – it feels like we’ve come a huge long way. Sing new songs over the old ones”.