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Florida government to consider pardoning Morrison over Miami Incident

By | Published on Tuesday 9 November 2010

The current governor of Florida is apparently considering posthumously pardoning the late Doors frontman Jim Morrison with regards an indecent exposure conviction from 1970. Governor Charlie Crist possibly has too much time on his hands.

It’s not the first time such a pardon has been discussed. Morrison was charged with indecent exposure in March 1969 after apparently exposing himself on stage during what some fans call “the Miami Incident”. It was a hot night, the venue was well over capacity, and a very drunk, half-naked Morrison declared: “You want to see my cock, don’t you? That’s what you came for isn’t it? Yeah!” Whether the audience did then, indeed, get a glimpse of Morrison’s cock is of much debate.

Anyway, he was convicted of indecent exposure and profanity the next year and his appeal was still going through the motions when he died in 1971. At various points since then Doors fans have called for an official pardon, though so far the authorities there have avoided such a populist measure. But it’s thought current governor Crist might finally issue the pardon before he leaves office next year.

He’s told reporters: “Candidly, it’s something that I haven’t given a lot of thought to, but it’s something I’m willing to look into in the time I have left. Anything is possible”.