Artist News Releases

Good Charlotte’s Madden Brothers go solo

By | Published on Thursday 22 May 2014

The Madden Brothers

Good Charlotte, aka the band that was always basically the Madden brothers (Benji and Joel) striding about in front of some anonymous backing candy*, are now officially known as The Madden Brothers, the Madden brothers having put GC on hold and gone solo, as a duo.

The Bros Madden have a two-sided ‘debut’ LP titled ‘Greetings From California’ in the works, and will go public with it on 6 Oct. Preceded on 21 Sep by lead single ‘We Are Done’, it’s first ‘side’ will be “upbeat” and mixed by Eric Valentine, whilst the other, a collaboration with White Stripes/Strokes producer Joe Chiccarelli, is going to be all dark and rocky. So really, it has it all.

A reflective Benji Madden says: “The idea was to not hide behind a band name or a genre, but rather to write some songs, and find someone to record them and help us deliver the truest picture of who we are musically”.

* Sorry to Paul Thomas, Billy Martin, Dean Butterworth, Aaron Escolopio, Chris Wilson. Thanks for all your hard work. It did not go unappreciated.