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Greig confirmed as new Standard editor

By | Published on Tuesday 3 February 2009

As expected, Tatler editor Geordie Greig has been announced as the new editor of the London Evening Standard, replacing Veronica Wadley, who has been on her way out ever since it became obvious the deal between Associated Newspapers and Russian billionaire Alexander Lebedev, giving the latter 75% ownership of the title, would go ahead.

Greig has been touted as new editor for the Lebedev-owned Standard throughout the takeover, and some reckon it was him who persuaded Lebedev to buy the paper in the first place.

Confirming her departure, Wadley – whose tenure at the paper wasn’t especially successful, though more because of the growth of the free newspaper market than anything else (though the paper has always seemed decidedly dull to me while she’s been in charge) – said yesterday: “I am very proud to have edited this great London newspaper and, with the huge support of the staff, to have built it up into a prize-winning newspaper. The Evening Standard is an important London institution held in equal measures of respect and affection. I sincerely hope it will have a secure future”.