And Finally Artist News

Joaquin Phoenix’s rap career is real, okay?

By | Published on Thursday 29 January 2009

A publicist for actor Joaquin Phoenix has said that his new career in hip hop is not a prank, despite what friends might say.

Recent reports claimed that sources close to the star had said that the star’s not-great performance at a Las Vegas nightclub, filmed by bro-in-law Casey Affleck, was all part of a hoax, or “art-project”.

Rep Susan Patricola says his career plans are real, however, that he really has retired from acting, and is to pursue music. She told MTV News, “He intends on exploring his musical interests, despite speculative, negative or positive reactions”.

Well, I expect it will all come out at some point, if it is a hoax. And then we can all laugh uproariously at the hilarity of it all.