Artist News

Jungle heading back to the bedroom

By | Published on Monday 14 September 2015


Tough times in pop, everyone. Jungle are going to make their second album in their bedroom. And, apparently, they’ll have to share just one bedroom for the project.

Actually, bedroom production seems to be their preference, rather than a necessity. Speaking to BBC Newsbeat at the weekend, the duo said that they liked the idea of taking the experiences they’ve had since releasing their debut album and applying them to the same production set-up as that record.

“I think we are trying to go forward and acknowledge [the growth in popularity and success] and sort of ignore it at the same time”, said Josh Lloyd-Watson. “I think if you let those things get to you, you start to build yourself up in to thinking you are someone and that is a sort of confusing thing. We like the idea of going home, going back to the bedroom and starting again with it, rather than flying off to LA or New York”.

Tom McFarland added: “I think the last two years, especially playing live and coming out of our shells, gives you a lot of confidence. If we can take that back into the studio, have a little bit of belief early on in our ideas, get to them quicker and then [we can] get the second record done”.