And Finally Artist News

Korn guitarist reps local furniture store

By | Published on Thursday 24 August 2023

Korn guitarist Brian ‘Head’ Welch has turned up on a social media advert for a furniture store in his hometown of Bakersfield, California. Why? Well, because he just loves the furniture and the low, low prices. Also, let’s assume, some family member works there and asked him to do them a favour.

Anyway, he turns out to be a surprisingly adept salesman, offering viewers a tour through the vast store and testing out items of furniture on the way. Honestly, he does a great job. There’s a lot of furniture in there and at no point does he say anything like, “holy shit this crap is gaudy as fuck”.

Of course, it may also be that Welch genuinely likes the furniture on sale at the store, despite all of it being revoltingly tasteless. Kicking off the tour, he announces that a dark wood four poster bed is “built for a king”. He later describes a whole section of the store as “pure luxury” and “so beautiful”.

Towards the end of the video he finds a sofa that he says “reminds me of Vegas”. However, he adds, “Vegas will break the bank but Furniture City will not”. So slick.

Enjoy the video yourself on Instagram here: