And Finally Artist News

Lohan has not split from Ronson, she says

By | Published on Tuesday 17 February 2009

Lindsay Lohan has responded to media speculation that she has split up with girlfriend Samantha Ronson, after the pair cancelled a Valentine’s Day appearance.

Ronson explained the no show thus: “We really feel bad, and I work sick when I can, but unfortunately I couldn’t drive to Miami, so I’m stuck in New York City”. Nobody believed it, of course, and everyone decided they had been arguing.

But now Lohan has confirmed that Ronson is unwell. “She’s sick. She’s in LA”, she said. “Everything’s fine. I just sent her food from Jerry’s Deli, but she slept through the guys banging on the door. So I was texting her saying, ‘I’m going to the event, there’s food outside the door'”.

I know you were all losing sleep over that one, so you can just relax now, and stop worrying.