And Finally

Manson threatens journalists

By | Published on Thursday 30 July 2009

You know how we told you Marilyn Manson was really a zebra called Phil in a pretty unconvincing hat? Well, scratch that. Because Manson has threatened to take on any journalist who writes an untruth about him or his band. I think he was getting angry after LA Weekly alleged he was addicted to cocaine.

Blogging, Manson ranted: “I can, but do not need to defend myself and the absurd accusations that the average press has clinged onto. If we need a nude photo of me to prove that I am far different than the soon-to-be-murdered-in-their-home press has decided to fabricate, that is easy. But if one more ‘journalist’ makes a cavalier statement about me and my band, I will personally or with my fans help, greet them at their home and discover just how much they believe in their freedom of speech. I dare you all to write one more thing that you won’t say to my face. Because I will make you say it. In that manner. That is a threat”.

Well, zebras are notorious for having short tempters.