
Newspapers score record viewing figures for online

By | Published on Friday 25 November 2011


Two very different deaths, those of Steve Jobs and Muammar Gaddafi, both helped the websites of British newspapers score record traffic in October, according to new figures from the Audit Bureau Of Circulation.

The Daily Mail, the biggest British newspaper website for over a year now, and a new contender to become the biggest English language newspaper site in the world (yeah, that’s makes you feel great, doesn’t it?), saw its monthly user base grow by nearly 17% compared to the previous set of web stats, to 78,994,874, with an estimated 4,563,492 daily users.

According to the latest audited stats, The Guardian has 3,275,624 daily users, also a record high, while the Telegraph enjoys 2,292,052 online readers daily, and The Mirror, while only having 710,695 daily browsers, did see the largest growth of its user base. The Independent, the only other national newspaper included in the web-based ABCs, saw its user base fall month on month but increase year on year, so it has an average of 611,488 browsers daily.

So that’s all good. Of course whether any of these titles is making any money out of their free to access websites is another matter, while slumping circulations on the more profitable print side of the business continue to hinder traditional revenue streams. Oh, what a lovely time to be a publisher.