
Ou Est Le Swimming Pool album streaming on Facebook

By | Published on Thursday 7 October 2010

For reasons of which I’m not certain, the UK release of Ou Est Le Swimming Pool’s album, ‘The Golden Year’, did not come out on Monday, as had been planned, and will instead now come out next week. However, the band have made the album available to stream in full on their Facebook page.

To listen, head over to

As previously reported, the record release comes just weeks after the death of frontman Charles Haddon, who committed suicide at the Pukkelpop festival in Belgium in August. A tribute gig took place at Koko in London on Monday, with artists including Tony Hadley, The Kooks and Mr Hudson turning out to perform in memory of Haddon.

The event was hosted by CMU columnist Eddy Temple-Morris, who wrote this plea for young men to learn to talk about their feelings ahead of the show.