And Finally Artist News

Prodigy reveal porn soundtrack

By | Published on Tuesday 17 February 2009

The Prodigy have revealed that they once recorded the soundtrack to a porn film. The music provided backing for the 1999 film, ‘The Uranus Experiment’, which was actually highly scientific and not gratuitous at all. If anything, it’s an educational film and should probably be shown in schools.

Keith Flint told Nuts: “You know the planes they use to train astronauts? They take them up to the curvature of the earth, then plummet really fast, and it gives the astronauts zero gravity for about three minutes. They filmed it in that. When the man climaxes, it all floats around in the air”. Nice.

The Prodigy release their new album, ‘Invaders Must Die’ (not a porn soundtrack), on 23 Feb.