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These New Puritans selling jigsaws to get you through lockdown tedium

By | Published on Friday 15 May 2020

These New Puritans jigsaws

In these unusual times, filling your day can be a regular quandary. How can your favourite band help? Traditional methods are not quite cutting it. How many times can you play an album, take a t-shirt on and off, and stare at a useless gig ticket before boredom overwhelms you? Thankfully, These New Puritans have got your back. Their latest merch item is jigsaws.

The band have produced two puzzles, using artwork from their latest album ‘Inside The Rose’. Each has over 500 pieces, so should keep you busy for a while. And one of them has a bare lady on it too. Nipples have been sorely lacking from puzzles since peanut companies stopped providing those peepshow snackboards to pubs in the 90s. Although, I’m sure the band would like me to point out that this is much more tasteful.

They’d probably also like me to point out that they aren’t just doing this to better occupy your time during lockdown, but also to raise money for the NHS. Because, let’s not forget, our publicly funded health service is also a collection of charities for some reason. All profits from the puzzle sales will be donated to NHS Charities Together to help prop things up until ‘Boris’ turns up with that £350 million a week he promised.

“The plague is here, the world’s upside down, so this is our own small way to help the NHS and relieve the tedium for the tedious amongst us”, says the band’s George Barnett.

But what happens when you’ve completed both puzzles? What then, huh? Well, then you turn your attention back to music. Specifically the four track These New Puritans EP of previously unreleased music that you will be able to access with a code hidden in the jigsaws.

Find out more at the band’s website.