Brands & Merch

Wilco launch coffee brand

By | Published on Tuesday 23 November 2010

I’d love to have a coffee named after me. Well, assuming it got me a lifetime supply for free I would. Actually, the coffee doesn’t need to be named after me at all, providing it’s free. 

Anyway, alt rockers Wilco have teamed up with a Chicago-based coffee company called Intelligentsia to launch a ‘Wilco Selection’ coffee bean brand. The Intelligentsia website, where you can order the beans, describes the drink as follows: “The body has a light and silky quality, like fresh whipped cream, that beautifully complements the ever-present note of citron, juniper berry and vanilla. As it cools, the cup blossoms into notes of confectioner’s sugar, rosehips, and soft raisin, resonating on a pristine finish with a touch of milk chocolate”. 

There is a decaf version of the Wilco coffee brand too, though the band stress they wouldn’t personally stoop so low as to drink such a thing. A statement reads: “In full disclosure, no decaf coffee was selected by the members of Wilco during the tasting field trip. But our friends at Intelligentsia tell us this is as good a decaf as it gets”.