And Finally

X-Factor winner comes out

By | Published on Monday 2 August 2010

Joe McElderry has come out, his being gay seemingly a bigger surprise to the ‘X-Factor’ winner himself than anyone else.

Somewhat confusingly, the reality show star’s initial announcement re his sexuality was a Twitter spoof, and didn’t come from McElderry himself. But once the fake announcement was out Joe seems to have decided that now everyone thought he was gay he might as well be gay. He told The Sun: “I was angry at the Twitter hackers at first, but then I looked at their message and thought ‘Well, they’re not that far from the truth’. I think the Twitter thing was the point when I realised I was gay”.

Having mulled it over for a couple of weeks and told his family about his sexuality, though he’s not as yet had any sort of homosexual contact beyond “a peck of a kiss while I was a college”, he officially came out via an interview with the aforementioned tabloid and a confirmation tweet, as is traditional, I think. Of course, if we apply Jan Moir logic to this story, presumably McElderry will be dead within the year. It’s very dangerous this being gay thing you know.