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You’ll find Everything (Everything!) in a library

By | Published on Friday 13 June 2014

Everything Everything

Glitch-pop geeks Everything Everything will ‘do it’ for lending on 10-15 Nov via an artist residency at Manchester Central Library, which will be interesting seeing as EE might well be the noisiest band on earth.

The biblio-collaboration, banner-titled ‘Chaos To Order’, will find the group and Mancs organisation Brighter Sound working with lots of artists and creatives on a series of ‘experiments’ designed to test the limits of a modern library.

Whilst exactly what the experiments will entail is still a big secret, this is in basic terms what’s going to happen: “During that week you will be invited to enter the library as you would your own mind, with curiosity and imagination, and watch a mix of installations, performances and ideas unfold, exploring the theme of a library as a place where chaos lies latent. A place of thoughts, feelings and observations of a changing and conflicting world are all captured, coded and categorised, only to be returned to the chaotic and creative spaces from where they came once found and read”.

Everything Everything say this: “We have long been attracted to chaos. Documenting the overload of information in which we live – its overwhelming vastness, its beauties and its dangers – has been central to our work. We are also attracted to the egalitarianism of the public library as an institution. Anyone can enter and indulge any interest. We want to curate a residency that will reflect and explore this”.

Details here.